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My Orders

Where is my order?

We strive to ship out orders as accurately as possible and with the quality control that you expect, so your order is perfect. We inspect each order and make sure that you will be delighted. Most orders ship the same business day or the next business

How to cancel an order?

In Preview & Refine ordersFor subscription orders, once your account is in Preview & Refine, you have up to 48 hours before your next order is renewed to skip that box. From the Account section, to skip that box, kindly navigate to "Subscription", se

Why did I receive different sizes on my order?

At Underwear Expert, we're proud to curate your underwear drawer for the best quality and fit using our custom sizing technology based on the waist size you provided to us. We upsize or downsize depending on the brand. We've found that brands incorre

Order shipped to incorrect address?

Order Not Shipped Yet. Please reach out to us ASAP with the correct address so we can get this updated for you. Contact us. Order Marked Shipped. We completely understand that life if quick and addresses change, if your order shipped to the incorrect